Introducing our 28 Day Liver and Bowel Detox Program - a gentle and effective way to detoxify your body, establish healthy habits, and feel more energised and nourished. This program is designed to support your liver and bowel to release toxins safely and gently, while providing you with delicious and nutritious meals that will leave you feeling satisfied and nourished.
This program is perfect if you suffer from bad breath, fluid retention, brain fog, nausea, indigestion, itchy skin, liver pain, reflux, night sweats, hot flushes, acne, dull skin, lack of energy, poor sleep, constipation, SIBO, IBS, headaches, depression, or low mood.
Why Cleanse? Our modern world is filled with challenges, including processed and takeaway foods that are often laden with pesticides, antibiotics, additives, and preservatives. We rely on microwaved, frozen dinners that are devoid of nutrients and often skip fruits, vegetables, and salads in favor of processed snacks that leave us feeling even hungrier. Even our tap water and air are polluted with toxins from industry and transportation. The cleaning products we use around the home and the beauty products we use on ourselves also contribute to the toxic overload on our bodies. In some cases, chemical liver dysfunction can result from an overload of chemical exposure over the years.
Toxins in our body can result from viral or bacterial infections, or from the by-products of the metabolism of certain bacteria and yeasts that inhabit our bowel. Our stress levels can also be high, leading to a hyperactive state with our adrenals running overtime. Our sleep may be adversely affected, and anxiety and depression can result. Many of us turn to pharmaceuticals, but ironically these can result in more toxins in our bodies, side effects, and more stress. While our bodies have an innate ability to detox, it can become overburdened over time. It's important to gently assist our bodies to cleanse and support them in maintaining optimal health.
By following our 28 Day Liver and Bowel Detox Program, you can expect to experience increased energy, vitality, and focus, improved digestion with less bloating and more regular bowel movements, better quality sleep, clearer skin, and fewer aches and pains. This program is not a fad diet, but rather a sustainable way of living that can improve your health in countless ways, from lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels to reducing body fat and improving cognition.
The program is super easy to follow, and you won't be hungry. By consuming pure, nutrient-dense whole plant foods, you will be able to reconnect with nature, yourself, and everything around you. This way of eating can start to improve your health in so many ways, such as by reducing inflammation, improving your microbiome, and positively affecting your brain.
We highly recommend daily meditation and journaling during your cleanse, as it can be a huge journey into self-love and nourishment. By taking this time to focus on self-worth and reconnect with what it feels like to truly look after yourself, you will emerge from the program feeling happier and more fulfilled.
This program is a sustainable lifestyle that many of our clients follow and thrive on permanently. By adopting a predominantly plant-based diet, like the longest living people in the world who live in the 'blue zones', you can enjoy a healthy and enjoyable way of living. Approximately 95% of their meals don't contain any meat, and little to no processed foods. By eating this way for 28 days, you will be introduced to a healthy way of living that can help you feel amazing and full of vitality.
Our 28 Day Liver and Bowel Detox Program includes a 60-minute Naturopathic consultation, a Plant-based Nutritional plan, 3 x Colon Hydrotherapy Treatments, 1 x Lymphatic Drainage Massage, 3 x Private Sauna Sessions and 2 x Detoxification Supplements.
Valued at $1430
Available for $950. 100% payment is required upfront.
Invest in yourself and your health by joining our 28 Day Liver and Bowel Detox Program today. Your body and mind will thank you!